The Life Pacific University Global Life Department announces the Missions Trips offered in 2023. Included in the Global Life trip line-up are two spring break trips to Cuba and El Salvador, as well as three summer trips to Israel, Romania, and a Native American Cultural Immersion Trip. All Global Life mission trips are being covered in prayer for safety, financial provision, and spiritual breakthrough.
Spring Teams (Mar. 18-26):
Team 1: FMI “What’s Next?” trip to Cuba
Team Leader: Aimee Selby
Co-leaders: Cheri Dunnigan and Bryan Hernandez from FMI
Description: This is an FMI “What’s Next?” trip that will be facilitated in direct partnership with FMI. Jonathan Hall will be present for the first half of the week to run the “what’s next?” portion of the curriculum. Aimee, Cheri, and Bryan will fill the second half of the week with training on Sabbath, a theology of calling, exegeting your city, emotionally healthy spirituality, etc. Students will also get to partner with local believers in service projects and cultural exchange events.
Team 2: El Salvador
Team Leader: Marcus Robinson
Co-leader: Lesli Herrera
Description: Team 2 will partner with FMI missionaries and LPU alum Jared and Kelly Mueller to carry out ministry in local churches and communities. They will engage in evangelism, children’s ministry, youth ministry, and service projects, as well as learn about the history and culture of El Salvador.
Summer Teams (May 15-28):
Team 1: Israel Tour
Leader: Dan Stewart
Co-leader: Bobby Howell
Description: This will be Dan Stewart’s final Israel trip, after nearly 40 years of leading. He will share his vast knowledge of the history and culture of the Holy Land with our students as they tour sites found in the biblical text. Bobby Howell is excited to co-lead and use this trip as a test pilot for getting his OUG and ILT students involved in LPU-sponsored trips.
Team 2: Native American Cultural Immersion Trip
Leaders: Yaseer and Monique Handall
Description: This trip would be a multi-state road trip to visit and minister to Native Americans from four different tribes. Yas and Mo would take the team to tribes in California, Arizona, Utah, and Montana. The team would participate in church services, children’s and youth outreach, service projects, and cultural learning.
Team 3: Serving Ukrainian Refugees in Romania with FMI/FDR
Leader: Aimee Selby
Co-leader: Kaela Cecil
Description: The team would partner with FMI missionaries and LPU Alum Tim and Dhana Wimberly and their FMI/FDR team on the ground in Romania. The team would assist in serving the approximately 95 refugees their staff cared for every day. Even if the Ukrainians are able to return back to Ukraine by next May, the Wimberly’s team has much work our team could participate in. Proposed service plans include building a house alongside the FMI and Homes of Hope staff, serving in a camp for orphaned and abandoned children, doing outreach among the migrant Roma people, and ministering in the established church services.