Academic Integrity
Each student at LPU is responsible to maintain honesty and integrity in all academic work.  All projects and papers submitted must be the student’s own work; no rewording or copying of another person’s work is allowed. Any violations will carry a penalty and must be reported to the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
The penalty can range from loss of the assignment (earned “F”) to academic dismissal. Lack of integrity is evidenced by the following:
- Cheating – using unauthorized material or information in any academic exercise. Projects or papers must be original work by the student submitting the work, and it cannot be work done for another course unless there is pre-approval by the instructor. Exam situations assume individual and unassisted work unless specified by the Faculty
- Plagiarism – representing another person’s ideas or words as one’s own. This includes three or more words taken directly from an author, also distinctive ideas or phrases, and paraphrased arguments or line of thought.
- Fabrication – inventing or falsifying any information or citation in academic work.

Academic Integrity
Anyone who assists another student in an academic integrity offense is equally responsible. The University promotes sound moral values in all areas of campus life including honesty in all academic endeavors.
All course outlines for online courses include the following statement:
The university requires students in online courses to submit an academic honesty statement to pass the course in response to the 2008 Higher Education Opportunity Act’s requirement that institutions offering distance education establish that the student who registers for a distance education course is the same student who participates in and completes the course and receives academic credit. At the end of this course, you will be asked to verify that all work you have done for the course has been your own. Failure to sign the statement will result in failure of the course.
Students are required to type out an honesty statement as the last assignment in each online course – this will serve as an electronic signature.
Academic Forgiveness
After five consecutive years of non-attendance, and re-admittance to the University, a student may request Academic Forgiveness based upon past academic performance. The request will be reviewed after the student has completed at least one semester. The student must complete 12 credits and earn a GPA of 2.75 for his/her request to be approved. When the student’s request is approved, grades of “F”, FN”, and optionally “D” for the courses from the prior attendance period will be removed from the student’s Grade Point Average. However, the courses will remain on the student’s official transcript designated with a special code for Academic Forgiveness. If the student requests forgiveness for a course or courses in which he/she has earned a grade of “D”, the credits earned in any such course or courses will be removed from the total credits earned, and the student will receive no credit for the course.
A student who has Academic Forgiveness applied to his/her transcript will not be eligible for GPA academic honors (cum laude, magna cum laude, or summa cum laude). Academic Forgiveness must be applied for prior to graduation.

Office of Academic Affairs
Office Hours: 8am-5pm PT, Monday – Friday
Call: (909) 706-3041