Rachel Escovedo ’20

Rachel Escovedo ’20

Completing my internship at McKinley Children’s Center exposed me to the realities of working in a field that requires much from an individual. I was also able to experience diverse cultures throughGlobal Life trips. These have helped me become culturally aware and...
Luis Hernandez ’20

Luis Hernandez ’20

The connections that I’ve made through professors have really influenced what I would like to do with my career. MeetingProfessorClint Berry and working with him as the web and graphic designer at AbleSource has really influenced my career path.
Annie Schmus ’20

Annie Schmus ’20

After graduation, I’ll be moving to Lancaster, PA to be the Conference Coordinator for HOPE International, a micro-enterprise development organization supporting over 1 million families living in poverty with financial services to help them climb out of the...
Aman Kahsai ’19

Aman Kahsai ’19

LPU has taught me how to read and study scripture for myself, so that my faith would be stronger. Now, every time I read God’s word, I know how to ask the right questions which lead to new insights every time I open the Bible.