Grants & Scholarships – Undergraduate
Freshman Merit Awards
New full-time LPU freshman admits will be considered for ONE of the following merit awards. Recipients must meet all University requirements for regular admissions to the fall or spring semester. The SAT is calculated using the highest EBRW (Evidence-based Reading and Writing) and highest Math sub-scores from the new Revised SAT. In the absence of class rank, the cumulative unweighted high school GPA will be used to calculate merit awards.

divided over 8 undergraduate semsters
*renewal criteria
*renewal criteria
*renewal criteria
*renewal criteria
*renewal criteria
Transfer Merit Awards
A new full-time transfer who has 15 hours after high school graduation will be considered for the following transfer merit awards.

*renewal criteria
*renewal criteria
*renewal criteria
*renewal criteria
Steps to Apply for Scholarships
How to Apply
Students do not need to apply for the scholarship. The Office of Admissions will determine a student’s eligibility upon acceptance to the university, based on the student’s transcripts. First-time freshman and transfer students with less than 24 completed units will receive a scholarship based on their unweighted, 9-12 cumulative GPA. Transfer students with more than 24 units will receive a scholarship based on their cumulative transfer GPA from all prior college work.
- Must be a new, incoming student enrolling in the 2023-2024 school year.
- Must maintain full-time enrollment in the traditional undergraduate program.
- Must have a qualifying GPA.
Renewable Status
This scholarship is renewable annually for up to four years in total. The scholarship will renew at the dollar amount awarded upon entrance to the university. Students must maintain full-time enrollment and satisfactory academic progress (SAP) to renew their scholarship. If a student is put on SAP suspension, their scholarship will be removed. If a student’s enrollment drops below full-time, the scholarship may be prorated based on a half-time or three-quarter time basis.
Additional Institutional Scholarships
Athletic Scholarship
Athletic scholarships are awarded on the basis of an individual student’s achievement and ability. Athletic scholarships are determined by the Athletic Director and Coaches. For more information, please contact the coach of the sport you are being recruited for.
How to Apply
For more information, please contact the coach of the sport you are being recruited for.
For more information, please contact the coach of the sport you are being recruited for.
Renewable Status
For more information, please contact the coach of the sport you are being recruited for.
Foursquare Grant
The Foursquare Grant is a need-based grant, designed to support students with significant financial need. This grant is only eligible to non-athletes and is coordinated with all other federal, state, and institutional aid. The Foursquare Grant may be reduced or eliminated if a student receives an increase in federal, state, or other institutional aid.
How to Apply
Students must submit a FAFSA and all documents required by the Financial Aid Office.
- Must be a new, incoming student enrolling in the 2023-2024 school year.
- Must maintain full-time enrollment in a traditional undergraduate program.
- Must meet financial eligibility requirements as determined by the Financial Aid Office.
Renewable Status
This grant is renewable annually for up to four years in total. The scholarship will renew at the dollar amount awarded upon entrance to the university. Student must maintain full-time enrollment and satisfactory academic progress (SAP) to renew their scholarship. If a student is put on SAP suspension, their scholarship will be removed.
Preview Scholarship
The Office of Admissions awards various scholarships to prospective students who apply during Preview Days and summer camps.
Scholarships are typically awarded through a raffle process at admissions events. Contact the Office of Admissions for more information.
Must be in application for the traditional undergraduate program for the upcoming academic year.
Renewable Status
Scholarships are typically renewable for up to four years in total.
Resident Assistant Scholarship
The Resident Assistant Scholarship assists with covering a portion of room and board for current students selected to serve as resident assistants by the Office of Residence Life.
$5,000 per year
Must be a current LPU student selected for resident assistant position. Contact the Office of Residence Life for more information.
Must be a current LPU student selected for resident assistant position. Contact the Office of Residence Life for more information.
Renewable Status
Must be a current LPU student selected for resident assistant position. Contact the Office of Residence Life for more information.
Life Grant
The LIFE Grant is designed to support and celebrate ministry leaders and their family members. This grant is available to licensed and active ministers, their spouses, and their dependents.
$2,000 per year
How to Apply
- Submit the LIFE Grant Application
- Provide a copy of the minister’s ministry license.
- Provide a letter from the minister’s supervisor to confirm active ministry appointment.
- Must be a licensed minister with a recognized Christian denomination with an active ministry appointment OR the dependent or spouse of a licensed, active minister. Dependents must be 24 years of age or less and single.
- Must maintain full-time enrollment in a traditional undergraduate program.
- Must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5
Renewable Status
This scholarship is renewable annually for up to four years in total. The scholarship will renew at the dollar amount awarded upon entrance to the university. Student must maintain full-time enrollment and satisfactory academic progress (SAP) to renew their scholarship. If a student is put on SAP suspension, their scholarship will be removed. If a student’s enrollment drops below full-time, the scholarship may be prorated based on a half-time or three-quarter time basis.
Federal & State Grants

Pell Grant
The Federal Pell Grant Program provides federal funds for students of qualifying families. To be eligible, an applicant must be a United States citizen or permanent resident, demonstrate financial need, and must not have previously earned a bachelor’s degree.

CAL Grant
The Cal Grant program provides awards for California resident applicants who demonstrate financial need and meet GPA requirements. California resident students may apply by filling out the FAFSA and a GPA Verification Form. To be eligible for a fall semester award the student must submit a Cal Grant application and FAFSA by March 2.

California Dream Act
The California Dream Act is for non-SSN (social security number) students. Students must complete the online Dream Act Application and re-submit the Dream Act (Cal Grant) application online every year. Students who have never received the Dream Act (Cal Grant) must apply by the March 2 deadline date and submit a non-SSN Cal Grant form.