LPU is pleased to announce the promotion of Melissa Rufener (’12) to Director of Advancement and Alumni Engagement, effective January 1. In this expanded full-time role, Melissa will retain her duties as Advancement Services Manager while increasing her leadership direction to support the advancement efforts of the University. Her responsibilities include but not limited to leading key fundraising initiatives, collaborating with university leaders, developing direct mail messaging, engaging with donors, and overseeing student interns.
Melissa has been a proven and faithful leader, consistently demonstrating a heart of excellence and a steadfast commitment to the University’s mission. Over the past decade, she has made a lasting impact through her work in the Office of Advancement and Alumni Relationships. Her ability to pivot seamlessly across multiple leadership teams has strengthened donor care, enhanced strategic data management, and supported large-scale events, including the University’s centennial celebrations.
Her thoughtful and hospitable approach to stewardship and fundraising, mentoring young leaders with grace and excellence, and boldly inviting donor support have all contributed to the University’s continued success. Even in a year with the smallest advancement team to date, Melissa has leaned into her calling and the University’s guiding verse, Zechariah 4:6, stepping into new levels of leadership, faith, peace, and fruitfulness.
Melissa’s contributions to the LPU community have been invaluable, and she continues to make her alma mater proud. As Maya Angelou once said, “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Melissa’s legacy of making others feel seen, valued, and cared for is deeply evident in the lives she has touched.
Please join us in celebrating and congratulating Melissa Rufener on this well-deserved promotion! The entire community blesses Melissa, her husband Ryan (also alum) and their two sons, RJ and Ethan.