We are saddened by the sudden death of Professor Rod Light M.A. from a heart attack on May 1, 2022. He was a faithful adjunct faculty member and staff writer for Life Pacific University. Rod has been teaching an online course this semester, and we have been working on several projects together. Our hearts are broken.
He taught two online courses at LPU: Biblical Theology of Leadership and Management as Ministry in LPU’s online undergraduate programs. Rod was dedicated, loyal, kind, and always eager to collaborate and improve. His colleagues and students loved him, and he left a profound imprint on The Foursquare Church, Foursquare Missions International (FMI), and LPU. We will deeply miss him, his positivity, and his partnership.
To our online students: Our hearts and prayers are with you. You will hear more from your director, Dr. Dorothy Kropf about the next steps for your course work. She and her team are committed to helping you finish strong. If you need to connect sooner, please email dkropf@lifepacific.edu.
Students and staff will respond in different ways to this devastating news. Loss is never easy, bringing up a wide range of emotions. Therefore, Emmaus Road Counseling Center (909.979.3722) is available to those who need support.
Kassie, his daughter shared in a statement (used with permission), “There will be a lot to process in the days ahead, and I know so many of you loved my dad so much. I will update more as I get back to the states, but for now I need to pack and focus on the long journey back. Prayers are appreciated. What great comfort to know he is face to face with Jesus.”
Please keep Rod’s wife, Tanya, and daughter Kassie in your prayers. His Celebration of Life service will be held this Saturday, May 7 at 1:00 pm at Antioch Waco.
More about Rod Light, M.A.
Rod lived with his wife, Tanya, a retired elementary school teacher in Waco, Texas. Their daughter, Kassie, holds a bachelor’s degree in music education and a master’s degree in social work and currently teaches at the Chiang Rai International School in Chiang Rai, Thailand.
According to Rod, personal fulfillment came from living his life for Christ as a disciple and a discipler, listening well, telling inspiring stories, digging for the truth, networking with strangers, and elevating the voices of others. His life verse was Colossians 1:10, “…so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God.”
Rod held degrees in biblical psychology and organizational leadership and was ordained by The Foursquare Church. His teaching emphases included educational leadership, non-profit leadership, and biblical theology of leadership. He traveled extensively, leading seminars and workshops on Christian education and biblical leadership in the U.S. and internationally.
He enjoyed being a freelance writer and editor with a primary focus on stories of global missional effectiveness in the Foursquare Church. Rod served as Foursquare Missions International coordinator of FMI communications and within The Foursquare Church in senior and associate pastor roles. He was also the principal of one of the oldest Christian schools in the Foursquare movement. In addition, Rod was the national minister of Christian education for The Foursquare Church and was the primary researcher and writer for The Child and Youth Protection Video Training Series, a training program for Foursquare ministers and lay leaders throughout the United States.