Life Pacific University’s Global Life Department sent a student summer team to serve in Romania. This missions trip team, led by Aimee Selby, took over 15 students to the beautiful country of Romania where they had the opportunity to work with Foursquare Missions International missionaries, LPU alums Tim and Dhana Wimberly, to assist in building a house for a family in need and serving the Ukrainian refugees in the country.
Aimee Selby, professor and former Director of Global Life, says “I couldn’t be prouder of this team! We got to love on Ukrainian through cooking for 100 refugees, teaching English clubs, running a women’s Bible study, and doing programs at local village schools. We also had the privilege of visiting some of the other families who are living in homes built by Homes for Hope and ELS Cluj teams, pray with the families, and drop off groceries. It was an honor to serve alongside my team and the FMI, YWAM, Homes of Hope, and ELS staff!”
These students were able to meet the needs of the local communities in Romania through their servant-hearted demonstration of the love of God. Being the hands and feet of Jesus in the Kingdom of God is something that Life Pacific University both believes in and is committed to providing opportunities for our students to fulfill that call.
Kelsey Lord, a current LPU student who served on the Romania team, says “The church is thriving in Romania, and being His hands and feet on the mission field was a blessing. God is so good to humble us and to call us higher as we serve. I experienced a taste of heaven on this trip and I will never forget it”.
David Morales, a current LPU student who served on the Romania team, says “Word can’t express how honored I was to be able to serve God’s people in Romania. Seeing the beauty of the country and the loving community that has been established there has been life-changing. I loved serving with this team and I hope to return one day”.
We thank God for what He is doing in our students and in the lives of those they were able to minister to. The Kingdom of God is in every nation, and LPU desires to continue to empower students to serve the Kingdom across the globe.
Learn more about Global Life here.