Every year, Life Pacific University partners with the Foursquare Church to offer the Foursquare Culture and Doctrine course which counts for course credit and allows students to graduate as a Recommended Licensed Foursquare Pastor. This partnership with the Foursquare Denomination is a fulfillment of LPU’s commitment to the transformational development of students into leaders prepared to serve God in the Church, the workplace, and the world.
Professor Jennifer Thigpen, who taught the Foursquare Culture and Doctrine course for her second semester, shares that “This Fall’s Foursquare Culture and Doctrine class was a joy to journey with. Their curiosity, creativity and care for people and the expansion of God’s kingdom gives me great hope for the future of the Church, the marketplace and the world. I can’t wait to see what happens next with these lives that are called, commissioned and surrendered to the Lord’s leading and guiding”.
Through the hard work and dedication of the students enrolled in the course, it’s with the sincerest joy that Life Pacific University congratulates students Elizabeth Snow, Shannon Almaguer, Abigail Yarbrough, Madison Nix, Tatiana (Vickers) Hamilton, and Katherine Ingles (not pictured).
Learn more about Foursquare here.