Walking down the aisle at LPU Commencement 2023, Efren Paiz flashes his famous smile. It’s the first thing you notice about Efren, and it invites you to know more. Broad-shouldered and gentle-mannered, he describes himself as “a 30-year-old LPU Graduate who has a deep passion for music, media, and of course, the Lord.” Like Efren, many students come to LPU after a few years of adult life rather than right out of high school – and find connection and community at LPU. “Being an older student, I went in a little fearful,” Efren remembers. “I was convinced that I was just going to work the 2-job life, but then I knew I would end up regretting it, so I started looking for colleges.” Efren’s Calvary Chapel background pointed him toward LPU roots. “I found out about LPU through my brother who did research for schools and found that Calvary Chapel’s founder Chuck Smith attended here. When I saw the size of the school and how God-centered it was, I was sold. To my surprise, I met a lot of people who were my age [or close to it] so I didn’t feel too out of place.”
Attending with younger students ended up being a blessing Efren didn’t expect. “When it came to being in classes with classmates who were younger than me, I felt welcomed, and some of them even took me in as a big brother figure in their life.”
Now with his degree under his belt and juggling dual music and technology roles at Loma Linda University and Calvary Chapel Fontana, Efren is living his best life. “I love doing what I do because through learning media at school I have become better at making our church just a little more creative within the elements of lights, sound, and live streaming.”
Efren’s ability to wear many hats at his current job and ministry post has much to do with his time as a student at LPU. “At Loma Linda, you can find me doing classroom tech as well as setting up conferences for worldwide events. At Calvary Chapel Fontana, I am a man of many hats, but I am mainly the sound team leader. I also do marketing and serve in youth.”
Efren remembers a time when he was starting to delve into learning new and different skills as a student in the Worship Arts and Media (WAM) program. “I learned at LPU to just get out there and do stuff. Even if it isn’t the best or [if it’s] out of your comfort zone, you will find something you are good at. I never thought I would be good at half the media things that I learned to do like photography or [music production], but because I took that step, I found new passions.”
Efren has specific praise for not only his program but also his professors. “Being in WAM helped me to learn that there can be many aspects to just one thing such as music.” Professors were a huge part of this journey of discovering more layers to what he already knew. Piano teacher Soyoung Kim made an indelible impact in expanding his perspective: “I remember she would use music and the Bible to teach me life lessons. She taught me that in life and music, there needs to be rest because there will also be storms, but trust in God and rest in Him. It was so different because I was a metal musician. Everything was very ‘GO GO GO.’ Now I know to rest in God.”
Another professor whose passion and knowledge were memorable to Efren is Andy Hawksworth, LPU’s resident expert in videography who was recently promoted to Chair of Arts, Media, and Communications. “On my first day at school, he was the 2nd professor I had for the day, and instantly his energy got me ready to learn. I also came in with little experience on how to work a camera, but with his skill and fun style of teaching, I gained a passion for photo and video, and even had my work featured in a magazine.”
Even some of his assignments were impactful to his worship ethos. “For my Intro to WAM class, we had an assignment where we had to visit two churches that weren’t our denomination. It opened my eyes to just how different churches can be but also learned just how much we have in common. I saw a church that had a lot of fun with worship and were dancing but I also saw a church that treated worship with the highest respect. I find that [being in the] middle is a great thing because God wants us to be joyful, but we also need to remember who we serve and the cost of what He did.”
Not one to mince words, Efren gets straight to the heart of the matter: “God will get you through every season of life. Hold tight to Him and He will always deliver you.” Efren’s journey is a living picture of the blessings that come from holding tight to God, and following His leading in life, college, career, and beyond.
Learn more about the Worship Arts and Media program.